My son turned 2 this week. When he is grown, will I tell him about the off-color jokes that were made about the Chilean miners rescue, or will I tell him about how people came together to save lives? Will I tell him about the ignorant gay bashing, or of how proud I was of the friends who had the courage to come out this week. Will I tell him of the meanness, or of the love?
I pray daily for a future where all people can live without fear. I hope for a time when ignorance is trumped by intelligence and intolerance is trumped by
Ok, I said I would get to the point and this is it: I don't know with 100% certainty that I will be able to take back anger tomorrow. I can't fully say that I can put off teaching my child about love because tomorrow will be better. I can't control any of that. I also can't control the meanness in others. I can't make the world start acting with kindness. I can't take away other people's pain. What I can control is my attitude. What I can change is the way my children view others. I can make sure that my life keeps them from perpetuating this system of hatred towards others. I can make this week the best week ever, because I want my children to have the best week of their lives EVERY week. And, while I cannot guarantee that every week will be perfect, I can work like hell to make it the best for them.
This week is the best week ever because when my son grows up, I can tell him the week he turned 2 was a week we chose to focus on love. It is the week I made the conscious decision to not only to try to keep him from harm, but also to do my best to teach him not to harm others.
(I promise, not all weeks will be this heavy, but it was what was on my heart... next week: Halloween party!)
You're really awesome. That is all, friend.