Monday, October 25, 2010

Halloween Party!!!

Ok, if you know me at all, you know that Halloween is my favorite holiday.  Seriously, what's not to like? You're not obligated to spend it with family.  You don't have to shop for presents.  You don't have to cook a ridiculous meal.  There's no travel involved. You don't have to pretend like you care about some event that happened however many years ago.  It's singular purpose is having a good time. And when it comes to my parties, I always have a good time!

I spent two weeks decorating.  I know that sounds like a lot of time, but I do have a 2 and a 1 year old.  I only get about 20 minutes of free time a day to decorate! I think the house looked pretty good when it was all finished:

Then there was the food.  Again, I have two crazy kids, so I knew planning was key.  I made one item a day for a week. Let me tell you, that I made any food at all should make everyone scared. I DON'T COOK. I shouldn't be allowed to cook.  So, all of my food contained four or less ingredients.  How bad could I mess that up?
 Monster feet cookies, peanut butter eyeballs, bone sandwiches, cheese fingers, caramel corn trail mix... yum! All failed to live up to Sara's amazing chocolate ganache cake,  complete with orange spider. 

Ok, so all the preparations were done... and Saturday dragged on FOREVERRR! Luckily, I had wonderful help (Thanks Matt, Sara, and Mike!) And we could finally get our party on!

Aren't we cute? The party was awesome (if I do say so myself). And it went off without much incident.  As one would expect, the woman wearing the least amount of clothing won best costume.
Although, personally I think it should have been this guy:
I mean, really... if you've got the confidence to show up in drag and admit that your mama dressed you, you deserve to win something!

The rest of the night is mostly a blur of beer pong, jell-o shots, and really odd photos. I looked through my camera the next morning to find many pictures of boobs... none of which were mine and none of which I took, so...

Luckily, Sara (/Mike) got a good photo of the whole mommy crew.

All in all it was a fabulous party... I mean it has to be when you end up wearing someone else's shoes, right?!?

1 comment:

  1. Awesome party! Wish I would have been there for shoe switching. Kyle would have been totally HAWT in my witch heels.
