I love to play games. It's a total addiction for me. I also cheat at games. That isn't as much of an addiction as it is that I like to see how much I can get away with. If I play games with anyone, you can pretty much judge how intelligent I think my opponents are based on how subtly I cheat.
Every week for the past several months, my friends and I have been going to a weekly BINGO game. (I know, it sounds lame, but any game can be made more interesting with the right amount of alcohol.) Anyway, I think it was about the second week when I realized I really didn't have to have the called numbers on my card to be able to call "BINGO!" and have it accepted as a win. Seriously, sometimes there weren't even enough numbers called to have conceivably gotten a BINGO, and yet it still worked. Why? Because 1. I will flirt shamelessly to get what I want and 2. people playing BINGO at a bar on Thursday nights are not the brightest crowd.
BINGO became popular, and so our bar asked our BINGO caller to start hosting trivia immediately following the BINGO game. (Do you like how it's our bar... we really do often act like we own it. It's a little sad our sense of entitlement.) Did I mention that the prize for rounds of BINGO or trivia is beer? So, not only am I ultra competitive, but you offer a prize I actually want? Of course I'm going to cheat! At least once a game we turn in an answer that says "we have no idea, but give us the points anyway." And that works! I love our BINGO and trivia night. I realize we're only winners for the wrong reasons, but come on, it's not like we're competing in the Olympics.
Here's where the problem lies: sometimes I have to play other trivia games (mommy group obligations and all that). Do you see where I'm going? Yeah, I can't cheat with everyone! It's so frustrating! I need to come up with new ways to outsmart the system. Probably for the best though... I do love a new challenge! So, if anyone has any suggestions, I'm all ears. Got to run for now though, it's time to rig the deck for pictionary tomorrow night!
HOORAY for cheating! And also free stuff. I like both of these things.